Tag Archives: protein


Let’s talk Protein Powders!

I get so many questions everyday asking about the protein powders I use and decided it would be easiest to just film a video on this answering all your questions!

Unfortunately I’m out of focus during the entire video, wich I only noticed when I finished recording. Really sorry about that 😦 However I hope this answers your questions πŸ™‚

The Protein Powders I use:

Sunwarrior Protein Blend

About time whey

There’s definitely other good ones out there, these are just the ones I have personally tried and continue to use πŸ™‚ You might also be able to find them at local health food stores or other websites online.

Have a lovely and healthy day guys, xxx


I was interviewed! Top 3 beauty and health tips, my jouney to wellness and more!

I was interviewed by the lovely raw food sisters! If you want to know my top three beauty and health tips, my advice for a newbie, a fun recipe, a little bit about my own journey and so much more! Just click here: http://therawfoodsisters.com/2013/11/21/thursday-get-together-with-yasmin-from-healthyyfood/


A few little snippets from the interview:

  • I believe there is a lesson to be learnt from all of our experiences in life, the good and the bad
  • Up until that point I had spent my life trying to please others and based my worth on their opinion. For me this lifestyle change was about so much more than just weight loss or getting healthy. Through this process I have gotten to know myself and really tune in with my body. I have found something that I love and am passionate about. Up until that point anything I did was always to please other people or with the aim to have other people β€œlike” me more. But not this time; it was something I truly started doing for myself. Just me. And I honestly, haven’t looked back since.
  • I also can’t go a day without some raw chocolate or nut butter. Definitely my two guilty pleasures ;)
  • Sleep helps increase your memory, performance and obviously energy. In addition to that lack, of sleep can result in unwanted fat gain, by increasing ghrelin, a hunger hormone, and decreasing growth hormones.

….this is only a small part of what we covered in the interview! So head over to http://therawfoodsisters.com/2013/11/21/thursday-get-together-with-yasmin-from-healthyyfood/ to read the rest! And while you’re at it, don’t forget to subscribe and follow these two amazing girls on all their social media sites!


I’m still blown away by the fact that someone was actually interested in interviewing me! This has been one crazy journey, and I couldn’t be more blessed to be able to share it with all of you! Thank you for all your non stop support and encouragement! I can’t wait to see what the future will bring!

I’d also like to say a massive thank you to Katrin and Julie for all their support and this amazing opportunity! Keep on shining girls, I know you will do amazing things!

Lots of love, Have a lovely and healthy day guys, xxx



Healthy Pumpkin Smoothie!; Paleo, Raw, Vegan

Hi everyone! πŸ™‚


Today I’m going to be sharing one of my favourite fall time recipes with you all….a pumpkin smoothie!


You will need:
250gr. pumpkin
(optional): 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
2 dates
200ml coconut milk
1/2 tbsp cinammon, 1/4 tbsp nutmeg, 1/4 tbsp clove
Blend everything together and you’re done!

Can’t wait to start connecting by video with you all!

Make sure to let me know if you have any requests!

Lots of love!

Have a lovely and healthy day! xxx


Banana, Walnut and Chocolate Chunk Cookies (Paleo, Vegan, GF, SF)

Let’s be honest: who doesn’t love good cookie every now and then? I sure do!Β  This might not be particularly modest to say, but these chocolate chip, walnut and banana chunk cookies are pretty darn amazing and super delicious!


You will need:

  • up to 2 cups of almond flour
  • 1/2 cup of all natural almond butter
  • 1/2 cup extra virgin coconut oil, melted
  • 1/2 cup crushed walnuts
  • 2 bananas
  • 1/2 cup (or more) of local honey (strict vegans can use maple syrup)
  • 1 chia seed egg (1 tbsp of chia seeds mixed with 3 tbsp of water and soaked for at least 15 min; this can be substituted for one free range organic egg if you don’t have chia seeds)
  • 1/4 cup (or more!) raw cacao nibs (you can also use dark chocolate chips)
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius. Melt the coconut oil and combine with the almond butter, almond flour, chia seed egg, baking soda and salt.Cut the banana into small chunks and stir in to the dough. Add the walnuts and cacao nibs and stir in. Form cookies and lay out on a baking sheet. Bake in the preheated oven for 10-15min.

Have a lovely and healthy day guys β™₯

Homemade powerbowl

IMG_8185My newest breakfast obsession! I have been making these pretty much every day for the last couple of weeks now and absolutely love them! Super delicious and nutritious! I have gotten several requests for the recipe, but to be honest with you all no two powerbowls I’ve made so fare have been the same. And that’s the beauty of it..you can easily change it up every single day to fit your needs and likings. You can make a chocolate powerbowl, a berry powerbowl, a banana powerbowl, a tropical powerbowl,…the options are endless! Depending on what you use you can easily get a different outcome every single time. I have posted a video on my instagram account before on how I make these but after getting multiple requests to do a blog post finally have decided to write a blog post on these powerbowls aswell.


The video on my instagram account: http://instagram.com/p/dQ4UBnlAjP/#


Step 1: basically you want to start of with some kind of fruit.

You could use anything, a banana, berries, apple, nectarine, pineapple….anything! The choices are endless! Keep the final product you want to create in the back of your head. So for instance if you want to make a chocolate powerbowl your best options are probably a banana or dates. However if you’re opting for a tropical powerbowl, you might want to stick to more of the tropical fruits like pineapple or mango.

Step 2: Add the liquid

You could use anything ranging from raw cows milk, to coconut milk, coconut water or even just plain water. Whatever you have around that day, are in the mood for and floats your boat.


Step 3: Add the protein powder

I personally like using the protein blend form sunwarrior, a clean, healthy, raw and vegan protein powder. But you could use whatever protein powder you have/like. Depending on the powerbowl I’m making I’ll either use vanilla, chocolate or neutral. (If you’d like you could also go ahead and add some oats at this point).


Step 4 (Optional): Add that nutritional punch

Now this is where the fun part begins. I personally like to throw a bunch of superfoods and/or greens into my powerbowls for that added nutritional punch and benefits. if you don’t add too much you usually can’t taste it and still get all the benefits. Win win situation. You definitely don’t need any of these items to make a powerbowl thought and can very well also make it without.

Examples of superfoods I like to throw into my bowl:

  • Handful of spinach
  • Avocado
  • Raw cacao powder (if making a chocolate powerbowl)
  • Spirulina
  • Aloe Vera
  • Mesquite
  • Lucuma
  • Maca
  • Physillium husk
  • Cinammon
  • Barleygrass
  • Wheatgrass
  • Reishi mushroom powder

IMG_8268Step 5: Blend

Now just blend everything together until you’re left with a thick smoothie like consistency.

Step 6: Add topping

You could use anything you like. Here are a few examples and the items I personally love topping my powerbowls with. This gives it that nice crunch and makes the whole thing interesting.

  • Raw Cacao Nibs
  • Shredded Coconut
  • Bee Pollen
  • Fruit
  • Cruhsed nuts
  • Nut Butter
  • Buckwheat
  • Oats

And you’re done πŸ™‚ Enjoy! If you end up making one and would like to share, I would love to see all the wonderful creation you all come up with! So feel free to tag me in your pictures or send me your wonderful creations.

Have a lovely and healthy day guys, xxx



Food diary August 25th

So I am always being asked to do a post showing what and how much I eat in a day. Until now I have always been very hesitant towards that request as what and the amount I eat changes every single day. Some days I eat more, some days I eat less. Some days I might have more carbs and then I’ll have a day where I’ll might have a little more heathy fats. I try to listen to my body and give it what it needs. I really encourage you to find what works for you and your body. No two people are the same and what works for me might not work for you and the other way around. Listen to your body and find what makes you feel satisfied, energized and happy πŸ™‚ If you would like more of these, please let me know and I’ll be more than happy to do so.

7:30 Time for breakfast!

Today I had this delicious powerbowl for breakfast, it’s basically just a blend of strawberries, blueberries, a nectarine, oats, coconut flour, vanilla protein powder, spinach and then I went ahead and added superfoods like: wheatgrass, maca, lucuma, aloe vera, spirulina etc. Topped it with raw cacao nibs, buckwheat, nuts, inca berries and strawberries. If you would like to know how I make my powerbowls I have a video explaining how to here: http://instagram.com/p/dQ4UBnlAjP/#


10:30 Pre workout snack:

Cucumber, Strawberries, Nuts and bell pepper. I also had one scoop of sunwarrior vanilla protein powder mixed with water after this πŸ™‚


13:30 Post workout:

Cooking my lunch and rehydrating after my workout with this delicious Coconutwater.


14:00 Post workout lunch

An omelette with sweet potato, cinammon, ground vanilla and all natural almond butter, cucumber and bell pepper.


16:00 Mid afternoon snack

Raw vegan chocolate Ice cream topped with chia seeds, buckwheat, nuts, hemp seeds, a fig and some dried inca berries. The original recipe can be found here: http://healthyyfood.com/2013/04/29/raw-vegan-chocolate-ice-cream/ I just added 1 scoop of protein powder.


19:30 Dinner

Quinoa, Cucumber, Bell Pepper, Cherry Tomatoes and mushrooms. All drizzled with a little extra virgin olive oil and lemon juice.


So this is what I ate today πŸ™‚ I also had plenty of water to drink through out the entire day and took my daily supplements.

Hope this was helpful and you enjoyed this post!

Have a lovely and healthy day guys β™₯

Homemade Vegan Coconutmilk Yogurt

So on my trip to Amsterdam last week I got to stop at (more like I forced my family to go there with me haha) at this health food store called unlimited health. I bought multiple items and one of my favourite purchases would have had to be a tub of CoYo (Coconutmilk yogurt).

Breakfast in Amsterdam :) CoYo mixed with sunwarrior chocolate protein powder, fruit and a green smoothie

Breakfast in Amsterdam πŸ™‚ CoYo mixed with sunwarrior chocolate protein powder, fruit and a green smoothie

I liked it so much I finished it all in the same day and had to go back for more the next day. I wish I could have bought an unlimited supply to take back home with me but sadly due to it being a refrigerated item that obviously wasn’t an option. (Also not sure the airplane crew would have like me bringing back home a massive amount of CoYo haha). So I decided I would just have to make my own. The first time round making this I was very skeptical and was expecting the outcome to be a massive failure. But to my surprise it actually turned out really great and I was left with a delicious creamy and thick greek yogurt type consistency. Due to this being a fermented products it is amazing for your health and can help replenish that important gut bacteria of yours. You can read more about that here: How probiotics and cultured food can drastically improve your health andΒ apperance


You will need:

  • 1.5 Litres of full fat Coconut Milk
  • 4 Probiotic Capsulses or yogurt starter of your choice (they should state on the directions the amount you need to use)
  • 2 tbsp xanathan gum; this will work as a thickening agent
  • 4 tbsp coconut flour
  • An oven or any other device that can produce a heat of 40 degrees celsius for a long period of time

Step 1: Heat up the coconut milk

Heat up the coconut milk in a pan until it’s hot but not boiling yet. This will kill any of the leftover bad bacteria that you don’t want in your yogurt.

Step 2: Let the Coconut Milk cool down and then add the probiotics

Let the coconut milk cool back down to room temperature. Mix in the probiotics, coconut flour and xanathan gum.

Step 3: Let the fermentation process begin

Place your coconut milk in an oven that heated up to 40 degrees celsius and leave it there for 20-24 hours. This will give the bacteria time to grow and ferment the milk. During this process your coconut milk should start to thicken up and turn into yogurt.

Step 5: The final step

Remove the coconut milk yogurt from the oven and place in the fridge for at least 6 hours before consuming. This will stop the growing process of the bacteria and further thicken the yogurt

And that’s it. Feel free to mix berries, raw cacao or anything your heart desires into your yogurt to turn it into flavoured yogurt.

Homemade healthy chocolaze frozen yogurt made using my coconut milk yogurt-recipe coming soon :)

Homemade healthy chocolate protein frozen yogurt made using my coconut milk yogurt-recipe coming soon πŸ™‚


Have a lovely and healthy day guysβ™₯

Vanilla Pancakes with Chocolate Cream


The pancake obsession continues…. πŸ˜‰


Now that I’m on holiday, and not rushing to get ready and go to school in the mornings I have enough times to make pancakes in the mornings πŸ™‚ One morning I was really in the mood for some vanilla pancakes, and that’s when I came up with this recipe.


For the pancakes you will need:

  • 1/3 cup of oat flour (You can make your own by blending oats in a food processor until you’re left with a flour consistency)
  • 1 free range organic egg white
  • 1 free range organic egg
  • up to a 1/4 cup water or milk of your choice
  • 1 tbsp ground vanilla
  • Stevia to taste

Combine all the ingredients and cook in a non stick pan with a little coconut oil until done. The chocolate cream recipe is the same recipe as my raw, vegan chocolate ice cream (click here for the recipe) just don’t use a frozen banana. Layer the pancakes with the chocolate cream, add additional toppings of your choice and enjoy πŸ™‚

Have a lovely and healthy day guys β™₯

Raw Vegan Strawberry Ice Cream

IMG_6473The weather’s been crazy hot in Switzerland lately, and along with that comes the craving for ice cream. I’ve been loving this healthy, dairy-free and super simple strawberry ice cream lately and wanted to share it with you guys.

Inspired by the raw, chocolate mousse/ice cream

You will need:

  • 1 frozen Banana
  • 2 Handfuls of frozen Strawberries
  • 2 tbsp All natural Cashew butter
  • Optional: Add ins like maca powder, protein powder, raw cacao nibs, whatever floats your imagination πŸ™‚

Blend all the ingredients together and enjoy πŸ™‚

Have a lovely and healthy day guys β™₯



Healthy, Vegan Lentil Burger Patties

IMG_6049Yup you heard me right, completely healthy, gluten-free, flour-free and vegan burger patties.

IMG_6052 It was a complete experiment, and I just kep on adding things and going with the flow and let me tell I did by no means expect the outcome to be so good.

Filled with a variety of different nutrients they are delicious and contain the perfect blend of flavour ranging from the earthy taste of lentils all the way to the distinct taste of sweet potatoes. They are pretty darn amazing, if I may say so myself and both my parents were super impressed and loved them.


You will need (serves 2-4):

  • 1 sweet potato
  • 1/2 cup broccoli
  • 1 small zucchini
  • 1 & 1/2 cups of cooked brown lentils
  • 3 tbsp of chia seeds
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 1.5 tbsp of brown rice miso paste
  • Desired amount of black pepper and cayenne pepper


Preheat the oven to 180 degrees celsius. Soak 1.5 tbsp of chia seeds in 10 tbsp of water. In the meantime puls (not blend) the sweet potato, broccoli, zucchini, garlic and onion in a food processor. (You could also great or very finely chop them.) Remove from the blender and place in a bowl. Blend the lentils in the food processor and then add to the vegetables. Add the miso pace, chia seeds and remaining ingredients. Mix well and form patties. Bake in the preheated oven for about 30min or until done. Enjoy πŸ™‚IMG_6055

Have a lovely and healthy day guys β™₯