
My beliefs:

I believe in nourishing and feeding your body with clean, wholesome foods. Clean meaning unprocessed and as close to their natural state as possible.

I believe in eating a balanced diet of healthy fats, complex carbs and protein.

I don’t believe in calorie counting, starving yourself, or low calorie diets. Food is fuel, and when choosing the right fuel can have amazing effects on your body and overall wellbeing.

You are only given one body so why not go ahead and treat it right.

Life is too short, to wake up unhappy and unsatisfied with yourself every single day. Learn to love your body, and eat healthy because you love it and your body deserves it, not because you hate it and want to change it.

It shouldn’t be about your weight or size but overall health and wellbeing. Neither your weight nor your size defines you. When nourishing your body with a healthy diet, your ideal weight shall come.

It’s not about restricting, moderation and balance is key. One bad meal doesn’t make you unhealthy just like one good meal won’t you fit.

Exercise should be fun and enjoyable, not a punishment for over eating. Find what you enjoy and what makes you happy. Don’t like running? Don’t run! Enjoy dancing? Dance! Move your body in a way that you enjoy, and try to do something active every single day.

Find what works for you. No two bodies are the same. This is your journey and your life. Find what makes you happy and what you enjoy. Never let other people bring you down or distract you from your path. So go out there, have fun, chase your dreams and life you’re live to its fullest. ♥


7 responses to “Beliefs

  1. The belief text is amazing! I love it! I’m going to read this evertime when I struggle from now on!

  2. I have been struggling to lose weight for the past 4 years .. My diet always went on and off .. I always tried different routines and different lifestyle but I never achieved my goal.. Until one day I was committed and continued for 3 months but I never seemed to lose so much weight … I got angry, wondering why my diet never works even though I’m eating great and working out everyday .. I guess I shouldn’t stop trying because nothing good comes easy .. This belief really woke my mind that I shouldn’t be pissed every time something doesn’t fit me .. Your my idol honestly and I find your determination and willingness quite impressive.. Enjoy your day

    • Thank you so much lovely, you have no idea how much this means to me! Good luck on your journey, you can do this! Just never give up and keep on going!

      Have a lovely and healthy day, xxx

  3. Hi Yasmin, I think you are so inspirining! Your the same age as me and the foods you make and your beliefs are amazing !! 🙂 I’m very passionate about health as well but I’m finding it hard to pursue because my parents and friends don’t really understand and where I live the whole foods are quite expensive 😦 So I was wondering if you could give me any advice on that? Like how I can make people understand? And if love to know where you learn all of this from, books/websites etc ?:) do

  4. Hi yasmin, ive been struggling with explaining the way i eat and finding what to say when someone asks why I eat like I do. My lifestyle is pretty much the same as yours and I was wondering if you had any advice on what I could say? xx

    • Just explain to them why you enjoy eating this way for example: I eat this way because it makes me feel good and it’s important to me etc. From personal experience the best way to deal with this is to be explain to people why you’re doing it. The more you try to hide it, the more curious they will get and the more they will think you have something to hide. Hope this helps! xxx

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