
Please keep in mind that I’m just a 17 year old girl, in love with living a healthy lifestyle and am not a certified nutritionist or personal trainer; just someone that has done a lot of knowledge and learnt a lot through trial and error and her own health and fitness journey. This is what has worked for me, but everybody is different so try to find what works for you and makes you happy.

Please credit me if you use any of my pictures or recipes as I’ve put a lot of hard work and time into them.

I try to update and post as frequently as possible, but am a full time A-levels student and my education is my number one priority, so please apologize if I don’t post anything for a couple of days or it takes me a while to answer your question. I promise I will be back and posting again soon! 🙂

2 responses to “Disclaimer

  1. hii, if you see this I would appreciate your help .x
    I’m 15 and I’m a swimmer. I’m not overweight by any means, I’m just very uncomfortable with my body.
    I’ve tried dieting, but I always end up cheating and then stopping. So, my question for you is, how did you get so motivated?

    • Try to find a healthy lifestyle that works for you. I would recommend incorpriating cheats into your diet. When I first started I started by having something unhealthy every single day. Then I slowly changed to only having something unhealthy every two days, then every three. etc. Find something that works for you and you can maintain for the rest of your life without feeling deprived. Just think about it, if you eat healthy most of the time and just allow yourself one bad meal a day that’s still better then nothing and definatly better then eating heatlthy for a week and then stopping and eating unhealthy all the time. Hope this helped xx

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