Tag Archives: healthy

Interview With Jordan From TheBlondeVegan, All About Her 5 Day Cleanse And A Recipe!

Hello everyone! Today I want to share one of my favourite health inspirations with you all! The gorgeous Jordan aka. theblondevegan (picture of her above). She will also be sharing everything about her amazing 5 day cleanse and an amazing recipe from her cleanse with us all! So get cozy, get yourself a yummy cup of tea and get ready to be inspired!  🙂
Name: Jordan Younger
Age: 23
Current location: New York City

What’s your journey been so far? How did you become “theblondevegan” and what made you want to write an ebook on a cleanse?
– I found veganism last January because of severe stomach problems that had been plaguing me my entire life. I had spent years trying to figure out the eating style that worked best for my body. I knew that dairy and red meat did not work well with my system, so I was already predominantly pescetarian but I still ate eggs, fish, some poultry and wasn’t very careful about oils. I went through a rough break up at the end of 2012 and decided to make some changes in my life. One of the first things I did was try a 5-day “plant-based” cleanse, and immediately it was SHOCKING how amazing I felt physically, mentally and emotionally. My stomach problems were gone, I felt clearer, lighter, more energized and I was proud of my choices for myself and for the environment. I knew I had to continue eating an entirely clean and plant-based lifestyle in order to continue feeling amazing, so I fell in love with veganism and never looked back. I started playing around in the kitchen and making all sorts of yummy green smoothies, juices, roasted veggie dishes, salads and raw desserts. I took photos every day and sent them to my mom. I followed a lot of vegan bloggers on Instagram and online already (including you, missy!!) and last June I realized that I had enough photos and recipe ideas to create my own healthy food Instagram. I also love to write, so I decided to expand the Instagram into a blog so that I could share stories and more in-depth information with my followers. I decided to write the eBook because a 5-day plant-based cleanse changed my life, so I wanted to create the same type of experience for my followers and for anyone who was interested in doing the same thing. I wanted to create a cleanse that promoted a sustainable healthy lifestyle change and not a “quick fix” or any type of starvation cleanse.
jordan 2
What’s your food philosophy?

– My food philosophy is simple: find what works best for YOUR body, and then fall in love with that lifestyle. What works best for my body is a whole food, plant-based diet. I have the most energy, I feel the lightest and healthiest when I eat that way. I believe in everything in moderation – eat what you love, don’t deprive yourself! I get my greens in all day long so I deserve some dessert at the end of the day, whether that be raw chocolate or fruit with some raw honey and almond butter. I am also very active, which I think is a key component to leading a healthy lifestyle.

5 tips for health, fitness and just living a great life?

1.    1. Drink lots and lots of water! It keeps your skin hydrated and flushes everything out of your system to keep from bloating.

2.    2. Exercise, exercise, exercise. Yoga, running, swimming, biking, walking, taking the stairs whenever possible, etc. Just move J

3.    3. Green juices!!! The power of the greens will keep you healthy, glowing and radiant.

4.  4.   Don’t sweat the small stuff. FORGIVE, be happy, and know that you deserve peace above all else.

5.   5.  Smile. If you have a genuine smile on your face, you are flawlessly beautiful.

What exactly is a cleanse? Is it the same thing as a detox? And why does one need it?
– A cleanse is essentially the same thing as a detox. Cleanses are good for us because our body and our digestive systems need a rest once in a while. Our systems work hard to process and digest the food we eat each day. Imagine giving it a break for 5 days straight and letting it reboot and heal from the inside. Cleanses aid in avoiding disease, firing up our metabolism and eliminating body stress. Because we are ridding our bodies of built up toxins, we are able to relax and relieve ourselves of all sorts of things that make us feel nasty. Unless you eliminate certain foods from your diet, you’ll never know what works for you and what does not work for you.

What can people expect (as in results like less bloating for example etc.) from your cleanse? 
– People who participate in the cleanse can expect detoxification, shedding unwanted pounds, feeling light and awesome, becoming more aware of the foods they are putting into their body and how food makes them feel, and the reward of challenging themselves in a healthy way.
What’s your number one advice for someone following your cleanse?
– Pay attention to your body! If you are hungry, grab a piece of fruit to snack on. This cleanse is not about starving. It’s about making sustainable lifestyle changes and forming a positive relationship to food.
What’s your favourite recipe in your cleanse?
– I have two. The Naked Smoothie and the Butternut Squash Apple Soup (Jordan was kind enough to share the recipe forthe Butternut Squash Apple Soup, with us so make sure you keep on scrolling)! I also love the Strawberry Fields smoothie. I’m such a smoothie addict. 

How is your cleanse set up? (As in 3 meals a day or no food?) 
– 1 smoothie for breakfast, 2 juices throughout the day as snacks, a solid food meal for lunch that is either a salad or a soup with nuts/seeds, and a solid food meal for dinner that is either roasted veggies or a soup with nuts/seeds. You can also eat as many fruits, veggies and nuts as you’d like whenever you get hungry, so you do not have to stick strictly to the meals provided.
Where can one buy it? 
– You can purchase the cleanse here: gum.co/theblondevegancleanse
This might actually be my favorite recipe in the whole cleanse (minus some of the smoothies, of course). This soup is special to me because it was the first veggie soup I learned how to make in my blender. Learning how to make soups in my blender made my life as a vegan so much easier and a whole lot more exciting.
The flavors in this soup are reminiscent of fall but can be enjoyed at any time of year. The squash makes it thick and creamy while the apple adds a sweetness that pairs well with the subtlety of the squash. The pecans and raisins are a super delicious touch that give this soup an extra oomph. Oh, and the nutmeg brings out all the flavors while adding an oomph of its own. Delicious!
½ butternut squash
½ apple
1 T nutmeg
½ cup water
salt and pepper to taste
OPTIONAL: ½ T olive oil
1 small handful pecans
1 small handful raisins
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Chop the butternut squash into cubes, and lightly drizzle in olive oil if you so desire.
2. Place the butternut squash into the oven and bake until golden brown. This should take about 30 minutes, depending on your oven.
3. Slice the ½ apple into small cubes. Once the squash is baked, remove from the oven and place all ingredients into a blender or food processor.
4. Blend until smooth. Add more water if necessary
5. Top with pecans and raisins.
Thank you so much for reading and a huge thanks to Jordan for sharing all her amazing wisdom with us! Don’t forget to check her out over at http://www.theblondevegan.com (what a cute name, huh?)
Have a lovely and healthy day, xxx

10 Tools For Making 2014 Great!

January is slowly coming to an end and with that the first month of 2014. How are you doing with your new years resolutions so fare? How’s 2014 going for you right now? Not so great? Well luckily there’s still 11 months left in the year to achieve all the goals you set out to achieve in 2014.

(PS: I am working on a new blog (hence the lack of posts on here lately)! A lot more professional, easier to manage and an added personal touch! I can’t wait to share it with you all, and if you have any suggestions, requests or recommendations I’d love to hear them! 😀 Just leave a comment down below or shoot me an e-mail at healthyyfood@yahoo.com)

You are never to old to create a new dream and never to far in to change direction


These tools are not only meant to help you reach your health/fitness goals but also create a more happy and positive life!

1. Evaluate your past

Our past can be an amazing teacher for the future. While I do belive in letting the past be just that: the past, looking at what prevented you from reaching your goals in 2013 can be very valuable. By this I do not mean tell yourself: “omg, stupid me, I can’t believe I did xyz” but more like: “what can I learn from this lesson?” “What made me do xyz in the first place and how can I prevent it from happening again?”

2. Forgive yourself

Let go of what doesn’t serve you and do more of what does

This goes along with the first tip, but after you’ve looked at your past and learnt what there is to learn: let it go. Let go of the anger, resentment and feelings 2013 brought along. Forgive yourself and the people around you.

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free, and realise that the prisoner has been you all along. “

3. Set small, achievable goals

Break your bigger goals into short achievable goals that come along with an action plan (how you are going to achieve them etc.)


4. Reward yourself

This goes along with Tip Nr. 3: Reward yourself when ever you achieve a goal you set out to do. This could be by buying yourself that dress you’ve always wanted, splurging on an expensive candle or simply having a cozy night in.

5.  Book your workouts

Is one of your new years resolutions to workout more? Book your workouts into your schedule like you would an important meeting. If you can, getting a workout buddy can be really helpful. That way you can help hold each other accountable and it can make working out so much more fun!


6. count your blessings

Weather its writing a gratitude list, positive affirmations or journaling. Don’t forget to take at least 5 min every day to remind yourself of all the blessings in your life. Even just 5 min can make a huge difference!

7. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Don’t be afraid to reach out to people and ask for help and advice. We often try to do everything on our own, when we could be reaching our goals so much faster if we just asked for help!

8.  Throw out that scale

It really doesn’t do you any good. Plain simple. It doesn’t define your health or worth and really isn’t a good measurement for the progress you’re making. I’m sure you’ve all heard it before but 1 kg of fat is a lot bigger than 1 kg of muscle. If you want to track your progress use progress pictures or the fit of your clothes.

9.  Stop comparing your amazing self to others

comparisonitis_02You are YOU. Just that. Nobody on this earth has the same journey as you do.You are wonderful and absolutely perfect just the way you are.

“Too many people undervalue what they are and overvalue what they are not.”

I have to be honest with you all, I am just as guilty as comparing myself to the next person as anyone out there. And you know what? It really doesn’t do any of us any good. Lately I’ve really been trying to “catch” myself whenever these thoughts come up. Evaluate them and then let them go.

I feel like this is such a huge topic and really deserves a blogpost of its own but as for now, every time you hear that voice pop up, take a step back and remind yourself of how kick ass awesome you are.


10. Just do it!

Nike’s right, sometimes you just have to go and do it. Stop thinking and start doing!


Have a lovely and healthy day guys ❤

Raw Raspberry Chocolate Cheescake (Paleo, Vegan)

Happy New Year everyone!


Hope you had a beautiful holiday season and a happy new years eve. These past few weeks have been crazy, hence the lack of posts, but I had a lovely time with my family and friends and hope you did too. Today I wanted to share the recipe for this delicious chocolate raspberry cheesecake recipe with you all.


Chocolate Crust:

  • 1 cups of pecans
  • 1 cups of macadamia nuts
  • 1 and 1/2 cups of pitted dates
  • 1/4 cup raw cacao powder
  • 3 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon ground vanilla
  • 1/2 tablespoon of himalayan sea salt

Cheesecake Layer:

  • 3 cups of raw cashews
  • 1 and 1/2 cups of pitted dates
  • 1 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 5 tbsp coconut oil

Raspberry Layer:

  • 2 cups of raspberries
  • 2 bananas
  • 5 dates
  • 5 tablespoons of coconut oil

Optional: Raw cacao nibs as a topping


Throw the ingridients of the individual layers into the food processor and blend. Then layer everything and store in the fridge for at least 1 hour. Serve and enjoy!


Have a lovely and healthy day guys ❤

Banana and Nutbutter Chocolate Cups; Paleo, Raw, Vegan

Good afternoon everyone!

Hope you all are doing well! Today I want to share the recipe for these delicious banana & nutbutter chocolate cups with you!


All you need is:

  • Some of the basic, homemade raw chocolate. Click here for recipe.
  • Sliced bananas
  • Any nut- or seedbutter of your choice! (I like cashew and almondbutter)
  • And some silicon cupcake cups


Start by covering the base of the cups with some of the raw chocolate.

Set them in the freezer for 10-15min. Then add the banana slices and the nutbutter.


Pour the remaining raw chocolate on top and leave in the fridge for at least 1 hour.


Welcome to food heaven!


Have a lovely and healthy day guys!




Is lack of sleep making you fat?

Is lack of sleep making you fat!?

How was your morning?

Did you wake up at the dawn of light, excited and ready to take on your day or did you keep on hitting the snooze button until finally dragging yourself out of bed?

Were you full of energy or did you have to rely on artificial stimulates like sugar and caffeine to get you going?

Not only can lack of sleep hinder us from doing everything we want to do, being our most productive and enjoying our day to its fullest it actually also plays a huge role in gaining/losing fat and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Wanna know why?

Hope this helps! Have a lovely and healthy day guys, xxx



Let’s talk Protein Powders!

I get so many questions everyday asking about the protein powders I use and decided it would be easiest to just film a video on this answering all your questions!

Unfortunately I’m out of focus during the entire video, wich I only noticed when I finished recording. Really sorry about that 😦 However I hope this answers your questions 🙂

The Protein Powders I use:

Sunwarrior Protein Blend

About time whey

There’s definitely other good ones out there, these are just the ones I have personally tried and continue to use 🙂 You might also be able to find them at local health food stores or other websites online.

Have a lovely and healthy day guys, xxx



Raw Chocolate

photo(1)I love raw chocolate, and it’s definitely a staple in my life! Read more about the benefits of raw cacao here!: http://healthyyfood.com/2013/04/28/cacao-the-amazing-super-food/

Here’s a super easy and quick recipe on how you can make your own. You will need:

  • 250gr. raw cacao butter
  • 12 tbsp raw cacao powder
  • 3 tbsp raw coconut palm sugar
  • 1/2 tbsp himalayan sea salt
  • Add ins of your choice

Please keep in mind that this is a DARK chocolate. So if you would like it less bitter add more coconut palm sugar and less cacao powder. 🙂

Not sure where to buy the ingredients? Check local health food stores or you can order it off www.iherb.com where you can use the discount code WPL642 for 10% off your first order. Thank you so much for watching!


Have a lovely and healthy day guys! xxx Yasmin

Interview with The Raw Food Sisters!

Hi everyone,

When the two lovely girls from therawfoodsisters contacted me for an interview, I knew I just had to interview them aswell and share these two amazing and passionate women with you all!

They have such an interesting and inspiring outlook on life, that I deeply admire!

The Raw Food Sisters


Julie and Katrin Selmer


28 and 23


Website: www.therawfoodsisters.com

E-mail: contact@therawfoodsisters.com

Instagram: @therawfoodsisters

Facebook: The Raw Food Sisters

Twitter: @rawfoodsisters

Can you tell us a little more about yourself, your journey and how you became the raw food sisters?

We are two sisters born and raised in Sweden. We are passionate about traveling, have made that our lifestyle and more or less live in our suitcases these days. The last years we have been living in Rome, Florence, Amsterdam and Berlin. We started our health journey in January 2013, a real turning point in our lives. After some intense weeks of travelling and Christmas we had over indulged in good foods and felt completely out of balance and desperately felt a drastic need for change. We are all or nothing when we do things. After making up our minds we decided literally to become raw vegans over a night. Now we are living a highly raw vegan lifestyle – and love it!

This is also how The Raw Food Sisters were born. We did a lot of research when we first started and realized there were not many sharing their whole journey to become raw vegans (as we first started off). So we created our blog to have people follow our raw vegan journey and to give an honest picture because changing your lifestyle is not always a dance on roses. In the end it has been the best decision ever to start live healthy and more conscious lives. We have never felt better and for the first time in our lives we really understand how it is to feel good. This is also the message we want to share with others and to inspire. If we can do it, so can you.

Could you share your lifestyle and food philosophy?

We are all or nothing when we do things and this was also the result when we decided to go for a healthy way of living. We started off as raw food vegans but came to realize that we have to adjust ourselves a bit depending on where in the world we are, especially since we travel a lot. We don´t like to have any restrictions at all and instead satisfy our bodies’ needs but for the moment we would never eat any animals. Most important is to have fun. Little did we know but healthy living is loads of fun!

How has eating this way influenced and changed you and your health?

Our raw vegan lifestyle change has totally changed our lives in all aspects. Being healthy has got a complete new meaning for us. It is to develop a good and balanced relationship with your body and mind. To be in tune with yourself and to be able to listen to what your body needs. We have managed to develop a beautiful relationship with food and our bodies. We have also become more conscious and feel a whole new connectedness with everything around. We have got a completely new clarity and can see so much clearer. This has enabled us to find our life purpose and one thing after another has unfolded in the right direction for us.



You are doing incredible things in Ghana at the moment, would you mind telling us a little more about this incredible project of yours? And how the idea for this project came about?

We actually have several projects going on in Ghana. It all actually started earlier this year when we started to look for healthy food choices. At the farmer´s market in Amsterdam we found dried mango which we both fell in love with (mango being our favorite fruit). We got this crazy idea to start produce our own sundried tropical fruit snacks and got so excited about it, especially what benefits it could bring to locals in the countries of origin of the tropical fruits. We started to talk with people about this and it was like it was meant to be. One thing led to another and we were able to set up a sundried mango project in Ghana this summer. Unfortunately it didn´t work out exactly as planned but in the end for the better. Now we are working with different health food commodities where we have the possibility to create job opportunities for locals and support in their community development. We also work as consultants helping companies, organizations and private people to set up projects and business down in Ghana. This in turn is a dream come true, to be able to help others implement successful projects that will bring advantages for vulnerable people.

If you could meet anyone dead or alive, who would it be?

Eckhart Tolle would be wonderful to meet. He has taught us a lot to stay in the present moment and has changed our lives. It be great honor to be in is present and hear him speak.

If you could tell your 14 year old self one thing, what would it be?

Julie: “You are good exactly the way you are. Girl, speak up because your words count and have a meaning. Stop being so hard on yourself.”

Katrin: “Listen to your inner voice, it knows its way and be careful when listening to other people´s opinion.”



What are your go to quick and easy snacks?

Dates with any nut butter!

You have a really interesting view on the universe, would you mind sharing?

We believe we are all born with infinitive power and deserve fulfilling lives. We are able to do this by tuning in to our inner voice that each one of us are born with and have access to. Many of us are raised to only listen and take guidance in the outside world of what one should and should not do. Instead we are completely sure every single one of us has the answers within oneself. We have to trust our ability to let our intuition/inner voice guide us. The more we practice the easier it becomes. Great tools to tune into ourselves are for example meditation, writing journal, being in the nature, simply cut off the outer world for a little while. In this way we start to feel what our hearts are aching for and what we desire. That makes it easier to make conscious decisions and create our dream lives. We share more about how to live your heart desires and create your dream lives in easy ways on our website.  

What does a typical day in your life look like?

We wake up and always start off the day with lemon and warm water. While sipping on the warm lemon water we write in our gratitude journals, to let go of all resistance and set a perfect tune for the day. Thereafter, we enjoy a big green and vibrant smoothie (seriously the best way to start the day!). After breakfast we start working. We are self-employed and don´t have to walk very far to our office since we have it at home. 😉 We work for some hours until we feel the need for a little break and go outside for a walk to get some fresh air. When we come back it’s usually lunch time and we start preparing it. After lunch we continue to work with a little tea break in the afternoon. We don´t like to eat too late so we usually go for a light dinner quite early. We exercise daily and like to go for a run in the forest and love to finish the day with a good sweaty run. We also meditate at least once a day and usually do it before we are going to bed.

Top 5 tips for health, happiness and creating an amazing life?

Meditate and exercise daily, eat highly raw vegan food and as much organic as possible. Smile and laugh a lot and co-create with others


Goals and Aspirations?

Currently we are developing a coaching program regarding personal development and how to create a heart based and successful business by following your intuition. Our goal is to have it up and running in the coming months. We want to inspire others to also follow their dreams and make them come true. We want to create awareness of everybody´s great potential, it is all within you. We want to spread and share our stories. Another future plan is also to write books about this.

What is your number one tip for someone wanting to start on this journey of health?

Don´t be too hard on yourself, it will have its up’s and down’s. Get excited about it, find yourself a community. If you feel alone on this journey, you can easily find like minded people online. There are plenty that are looking for support just like you so don´t be afraid to take the step. Create yourself an Instagram account, a great way to connect with others and to find inspiration and motivation.

If you could only eat 3 things for the rest of your life, what would they be?

Berries, bananas and life would be very boring without some raw chocolate 😉

If you would have to show someone, that’s very septic about healthy food, that healthy eating can in fact be delicious, what would you prepare for them?

Raw Vegan Pasta with a Basil and Sundried Tomato Pesto

Raw pasta 3

INGREDIENTS (1 bigger portion or 2 smaller)

 Raw pasta

– 1-2 zucchini

Basil & Sundried tomato pesto

– 25 g pine nuts

 – 2 big handfuls of fresh basil

 – 1 clove garlic

 – 8 sundried tomatoes (in oil or without)

 – Oil (optional – we used the one from our sundried tomatoes)

 – Salt


Put all the ingredients for the Basil & Sundried tomato pesto in your food processor. Taste your way to the perfect pesto that suits your taste buds. Remember that all fresh and living food varies in both taste and size – and it simply can´t go wrong with good ingredients! Put aside in a bowl.

Now it´s time for the raw pasta. If you have a spiralizer use that one to make your noodles. If not, it works perfectly with a cheese slicer or a potato peeler.

Massage the pesto into your noodles.

This Raw Vegan Pasta with Basil and Sundried Tomato Pesto is best enjoyed together with a big vibrant salad. Such a perfect meal! Buon appetito!

Rich and Creamy Raw Brownie

Raw brownie 1


– 1 cup dates

– 1 cup pecan nuts (soaked)

– 1 tbsp buckwheat flakes

– 2-3 tbsp raw cacao

– 1 tsp vanilla

– 1-2 tbsp coconut oil

– berries for serving


Put your dates in a glass of water. Let it sit for at least 3-5 minutes. This helps the dates to soften up a bit. Put them in your mixer/food processor. Add 1 tbsp or 2 of the date water. Mix well until you get a sweet date paste.

Depending on your equipment you can either add your nuts in your food processor or you can chop them before in the size you prefer. Add buckwheat flakes, vanilla and raw cacao. Mix well. Once again depending on what kind of mixer/food processor you have – it can be easiest simply to mix with your hand.

Melt coconut oil. Add it to the mix. Blend well. Now place the batter in a form or oven paper. Put it in the freezer until it is set or place it in the fridge until it is time to enjoy.

It will be creamy and perfectly rich and satisfying – and not to forget good for you! We recommend to enjoy it together with berries for a fulfilling experience when the sweet meets the dark and rich.

I was interviewed! Top 3 beauty and health tips, my jouney to wellness and more!

I was interviewed by the lovely raw food sisters! If you want to know my top three beauty and health tips, my advice for a newbie, a fun recipe, a little bit about my own journey and so much more! Just click here: http://therawfoodsisters.com/2013/11/21/thursday-get-together-with-yasmin-from-healthyyfood/


A few little snippets from the interview:

  • I believe there is a lesson to be learnt from all of our experiences in life, the good and the bad
  • Up until that point I had spent my life trying to please others and based my worth on their opinion. For me this lifestyle change was about so much more than just weight loss or getting healthy. Through this process I have gotten to know myself and really tune in with my body. I have found something that I love and am passionate about. Up until that point anything I did was always to please other people or with the aim to have other people “like” me more. But not this time; it was something I truly started doing for myself. Just me. And I honestly, haven’t looked back since.
  • I also can’t go a day without some raw chocolate or nut butter. Definitely my two guilty pleasures ;)
  • Sleep helps increase your memory, performance and obviously energy. In addition to that lack, of sleep can result in unwanted fat gain, by increasing ghrelin, a hunger hormone, and decreasing growth hormones.

….this is only a small part of what we covered in the interview! So head over to http://therawfoodsisters.com/2013/11/21/thursday-get-together-with-yasmin-from-healthyyfood/ to read the rest! And while you’re at it, don’t forget to subscribe and follow these two amazing girls on all their social media sites!


I’m still blown away by the fact that someone was actually interested in interviewing me! This has been one crazy journey, and I couldn’t be more blessed to be able to share it with all of you! Thank you for all your non stop support and encouragement! I can’t wait to see what the future will bring!

I’d also like to say a massive thank you to Katrin and Julie for all their support and this amazing opportunity! Keep on shining girls, I know you will do amazing things!

Lots of love, Have a lovely and healthy day guys, xxx


Listen to your body!

Hi everyone,


I have to warn you: mini rant coming your way. But this is just something I feel so strongly about I decided it deserved a blogpost of its own to increase awareness of this subject! This is something I had to learn the hard way, and that’s listening to your body!

We are constantly bombarded with different diets (many of them completely opposite) and weight loss programs. And it can be really confusing to people. I personally believe that every human out there should be eating a wholesome and real food based diet; but what foods to include or avoid within that concept is completely up to you! And yes, I do think there are certain diets that will probably fit a lager scale of people , just because of the way our human body is designed and evolution ( not going to be making any further comments on this just because I don’t want to argue about such minor things) but that doesn’t not mean it will work for everyone!

We tend to see someone, following a certain diet and hear them talking about how this is the right diet for everyone and we should all be eating this way. They seem healthy, so we automatically assume it’s gonna work for us and drastically change everything we’re doing, trying to get this certain way of eating to work for us? Just because it works for someone else? If a certain diet, lifestyle or way of eating is making you feel good and increasing your health than do it, embrace it and follow it! But if not, than don’t!! I spent years trying to force a certain way of eating on my body and justified it with: “well it works for x, y and z, and the reasearch supports it blablabla”.It doesn’t matter whether science supports this theory or that; if it makes you and your body feel good, that’s all that matters. We are all biochemically individual and completely different. To most of us it’s obvious that we all have different looks and genetic makeup, yet we expect one diet to work for all of us!? We are all just as different and unique in the inside as on the outside and no one diet fits all.

The traditional diet of the people in the rainforest was mostly plant-based with lots of fruit and natural sugars and only small additions of healthy fats and protein here and there. The natural diet of inuit or eskimo people however was mostly fats and proteins from fish and meat, with little to no carbohydrates. These two cultures couldn’t have had a more different diet, yet they we’re both thriving and had reached a level of ultimate health….on completely different diets!

What I’m trying to say is that just because one way of eating works for someone doesn’t mean it will work for you. One thing I think we can all agree on though is that all of these diets are based on real, wholesome food. I don’t think anyone should be eating things like high fructose corn syrup and refined flour. It makes me sad to se how many conflicts and arguments there is in the real food industry. Paleo vs. Vegans vs. Weston A Price vs. Atkins bablbabla…Why can’t we just all get together and combine forces to spread the word on real, wholesome food instead of arguing about such minor things and what you think is best for someone else. Imagine how many people’s live and health we could help drastically improve if we all worked together? Spreading the word of wholesome food and helping people find the right diet for them and their body based on their personal needs.

Credit for JERF goes to the amazing Sean Croxton from undergroundwellness

Credit for JERF goes to the amazing Sean Croxton from Undergroundwellness

Anywho I personally definitely think that EVERYONE can benefit from a real-, whole food diet. What foods to include and in which amounts however is completely unqiue to you and your body. Try different things, experiment and don’t forget to enjoy this amazing journey! Let your body, your feelings and your mental health be your guide to finding what works for you. I don’t know what’s best for you and neither does x, y and z. Only you can know that. Yesm it’s good to see what works for a lot of people out there and looking at research but trusting that blindly? And listening to what someone else sais instead of your body? No! It’s good to find out what works for others, to see if you can implement the same things and rep the same benefits. But in the end effect all that matters is if it works for YOU, and nothing else. And the best way to find out if it does? Experiment!

Have a lovely and healthy day guys, xxx
