
Hi there, welcome to healthyyfood.com


My name is Yasmin, I’m 17 and have a passion for all things nutrition and health related.

I believe in nourishing and honoring my body with wholesome, real food as close to its natural state as possible. That means free of additives, preservatives and artificial ingredients.

I believe in exercising. in a way that’s fun and enjoyable but also taking down time when it’s needed and really tuning in to our bodies and its needs.

I want to help inspire and empower people to live the life of their dreams… Because why the hell not? I am a firm believer that we create our life, moment by moment. I don’t want to wake up one day, realizing that I let the majority of my life pass me by. I want to live and enjoy every moment to its fullest!


You see, I used to spent my life trying to please others and would base my worth on their opinion. I was addicted to sugar, wheat and so many other things and would try to cover up my emotions with food, I was unhappy in my body and didn’t feel comfortable. I couldn’t run a mile without panting and being out of breath. I don’t have any magnificent story. Oneday I just decided I had enough. Enough of taking care of everyone else around me besides myself. Enough of feeling bloated and uncomfortable in my body everyday.

For me this lifestyle change was about so much more than just weight loss or getting healthy. Through this process I have gotten to know myself and really tune in with my body. I have found something that I love and am passionate about. Up until that point anything I did was always to please other people or with the aim to have other people “like” me more. But not this time; it was something I truly started doing for myself. Just me. And I honestly, haven’t looked back since. And that’s where you come in. Because if I can do it than so can you! I’m here to help and guide you along the way. I definitely don’t have it all figured out. I continue to learn/grow everyday, and invite you to join me on this journey. This crazy journey of life.

I hope to show and lead somebody onto the right path of taking care of their body and loving it the way it is. Please keep in mind that I am not a certified nutritionist or personal trainer; just someone who has done a lot of reasearch and has gained a lot of knowledge through trial and error and my own health and fitness journey.

Please feel free to ask me any questions, or leave me feedback. You can always message me on my e-mail: healthyyfood@yahoo.com I always try to answer all questions and will help and support you on your journey wherever I can.

Have a lovely and healthy day! ❤

21 responses to “About

  1. Yeey! Finally a blog 🙂

  2. How long did it took to “make” the body you have now?
    You’re blog is awesome and its so inspiring!! I love it!

  3. Your blog is so inspiring, I love it! 🙂
    Btw, I have a question. What you think about the carbs in the night?

    • Aww thanks a lot sweetie! And I personaly think carbs at dinner are perfectly fine as long as your making sure you’re eating the right kind of complex carbs 🙂 I personaly always eat carbs at dinner 🙂

  4. It’s so cool to find out that there are more girls like me haha! I’m gonna try all of your recipes, especially the banana oat pancakes! Next year I would like to study nutrition and health, it’s so interesting and I’m really surprised that so many people treat their body in such a bad way… Keep up the good work!

  5. I think your recipes are so delicious and sooo guilt free because you are aware that they are so delicious! KEEP IT UP!! 🙂

  6. I really like your insta and your blog both are so amazing!!! but my complex of my body is like to big is my legs are big the reality is that i´m big do you think it would be hard to me to have skinny legs like yours? or have abs? or it would long to much time?

    • Yes of course you can change your body and the way it looks! 🙂 I never used to have visible abs or legs as slim as I do now either. Just rember that your body now is the result of what you have been doing up until now. So yes, you can definatly change but you will have to change your habits (aka start eating healthy and working out). And I don’t do how long it will take, it all depends on your body 🙂

      • yessss of course I exercise a lot but with your blog I learn that if you want to look nice and feel nice you have to eat healthy as much as possible find healthy recipies and always find a way to stay healthy but one more question: the recipies you do and eat are for your kind of exercise you do or just are for keep eating healthy??

      • Just for keeping healthy 🙂 If I’m doing a lot of excersise one day I’ll just up the portions a little bit 🙂

  7. thank you!! I really appreciate it!!! 😀 😀 have a lovely and healthy day!! 😉

  8. trying to stay healthy😃

    what do you eat when you go to a restaurant? or when you eat in someone’s else house? what do you eat when you don’t eat in your house

  9. Where do you come from? 😀

  10. you are such an inspiration to a lot of young girls who are wanting to become healthy and active just as you are- though i am 22- a little older:P
    I to have a passion for healthy living-excersise and amazing healthy foods. and i can relate myself to in so many ways- you have done such a great job with this blog and shows just how dedicated of a person you are in living a healthy and happy lifestyle. good on you Yasmin 🙂

  11. Well i am glad i saw your blog, so thank you for creating it haha:)
    All that food makes me so exited to experiment with more different varieties of healthy fruits and veggies- as i LOVE them both!!! xx

  12. awesome to find a swiss girl with this kind of lifestyle. 😀 i really like your blog and instagram and frankly I’ve made a lot of screenshots of your posts, haha. schöne obig 🙂

    • Aww das isch denn toll das d’au us de schwiz bisch! 🙂 Danke, dir au!

      • Ja isch voll de Zufall! Vo wo bisch du denn? Wennd in de umgebig zueri bisch denn choentemer uess mal treffe ih oder nach de wiehnachts ferie . S’ wäre naemli mal cool mal sich mit oeppertem echli ustusche. Have a lovely evening 🙂

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