Tag Archives: Dehydration

Importance of water

Drinking enough water is so so important! I always make sure to constantly have a glass of water or tea for me to sip on throughout the day. Ever since upping my water intake I have noticed that my skin, hair and nails have improved, I’m less bloated throughout the day and over all just feel a lot more energized and can think more clearly. Water also realy helped me in my weightlossjourney.

Here are 12 reasons why you should all go drink some water 😉

  1. Improves radiance and condition of your skin
  2. Aids in weight loss
  3. Suppresses appetite
  4. Can help reduce the appearance of cellulite
  5. Helps brain function
  6. Gives us more energy
  7. Removes toxins and waste
  8. Helps boost metabolism
  9. If your drinking enough water your body won’t feel the need to store access water weight
  10. Fights disease
  11. Helps energize muscles
  12. Prevents constipation

So how much should you drink? This all depends on how active you are and how much fluid you’re getting through your food. A good rule of thumb is to drink until you’re pee looks almost clear or a bit like lemonade, that’s how you know your body is hydrated and you’re drinking enough water. If your pee looks like apple juice you are dehydrated and should defiantly try to up your water intake.

Have  a lovely and healthy day guys ♥
