Tag Archives: Whole grain

Do you know what’s in the food your eating?

Are you buying fruit yogurt, whole grain bread, protein bars thinking your being healthy?

Think again! Truth is all these items and most store-bought items contain sugar, salt and preservatives.

Did you know that fruit yogurt can contain up to 10% added white sugar, and chemical food-dies to make it look pretty and taste good?

How about that whole wheat bread? Look at the ingredients and you will most likely find that only 30% is whole wheat and that it contains added sugars and salt.

And a lot of so-called “healthy” snack bars have a bunch of sugar or artificial sweeteners and white refined flour.

Or what about that granola your having for breakfast? Most likely it’s filled with sugar and oil.

Start reading the labels and ingredients in the food you are eating and you will most likely be quite surprised by how unhealthy these items marketed as “healthy” truly are.

What can you do?

  • Make sure you always look and read the ingredients before buying something.
  • In general just try to buy less store bough items and make your own instead. For Example:
  • Instead of buying a strawberries yogurt that’s filled with sugar and might not actually even contain real strawberries but just strawberrie flavouring, buy some plain yogurt and mix your own strawberries in instead.
  • Instead of buying pre made tomato sauce with salt and preservatives, buy some fresh organic tomatoes and blend them with some herbs for a nice and yummy sauce.
  • Read labels and don’t be fooled by the marketing and so-called healthy items.
  • As a general rule if you can’t pronounce it or don’t know what it is, don’t put it in your body!
  • Stay away from long ingredients lists. Usually the less ingredients the better.

Have a lovely and healthy day guys ♥

