10 Tools For Making 2014 Great!

January is slowly coming to an end and with that the first month of 2014. How are you doing with your new years resolutions so fare? How’s 2014 going for you right now? Not so great? Well luckily there’s still 11 months left in the year to achieve all the goals you set out to achieve in 2014.

(PS: I am working on a new blog (hence the lack of posts on here lately)! A lot more professional, easier to manage and an added personal touch! I can’t wait to share it with you all, and if you have any suggestions, requests or recommendations I’d love to hear them! 😀 Just leave a comment down below or shoot me an e-mail at healthyyfood@yahoo.com)

You are never to old to create a new dream and never to far in to change direction


These tools are not only meant to help you reach your health/fitness goals but also create a more happy and positive life!

1. Evaluate your past

Our past can be an amazing teacher for the future. While I do belive in letting the past be just that: the past, looking at what prevented you from reaching your goals in 2013 can be very valuable. By this I do not mean tell yourself: “omg, stupid me, I can’t believe I did xyz” but more like: “what can I learn from this lesson?” “What made me do xyz in the first place and how can I prevent it from happening again?”

2. Forgive yourself

Let go of what doesn’t serve you and do more of what does

This goes along with the first tip, but after you’ve looked at your past and learnt what there is to learn: let it go. Let go of the anger, resentment and feelings 2013 brought along. Forgive yourself and the people around you.

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free, and realise that the prisoner has been you all along. “

3. Set small, achievable goals

Break your bigger goals into short achievable goals that come along with an action plan (how you are going to achieve them etc.)


4. Reward yourself

This goes along with Tip Nr. 3: Reward yourself when ever you achieve a goal you set out to do. This could be by buying yourself that dress you’ve always wanted, splurging on an expensive candle or simply having a cozy night in.

5.  Book your workouts

Is one of your new years resolutions to workout more? Book your workouts into your schedule like you would an important meeting. If you can, getting a workout buddy can be really helpful. That way you can help hold each other accountable and it can make working out so much more fun!


6. count your blessings

Weather its writing a gratitude list, positive affirmations or journaling. Don’t forget to take at least 5 min every day to remind yourself of all the blessings in your life. Even just 5 min can make a huge difference!

7. Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Don’t be afraid to reach out to people and ask for help and advice. We often try to do everything on our own, when we could be reaching our goals so much faster if we just asked for help!

8.  Throw out that scale

It really doesn’t do you any good. Plain simple. It doesn’t define your health or worth and really isn’t a good measurement for the progress you’re making. I’m sure you’ve all heard it before but 1 kg of fat is a lot bigger than 1 kg of muscle. If you want to track your progress use progress pictures or the fit of your clothes.

9.  Stop comparing your amazing self to others

comparisonitis_02You are YOU. Just that. Nobody on this earth has the same journey as you do.You are wonderful and absolutely perfect just the way you are.

“Too many people undervalue what they are and overvalue what they are not.”

I have to be honest with you all, I am just as guilty as comparing myself to the next person as anyone out there. And you know what? It really doesn’t do any of us any good. Lately I’ve really been trying to “catch” myself whenever these thoughts come up. Evaluate them and then let them go.

I feel like this is such a huge topic and really deserves a blogpost of its own but as for now, every time you hear that voice pop up, take a step back and remind yourself of how kick ass awesome you are.


10. Just do it!

Nike’s right, sometimes you just have to go and do it. Stop thinking and start doing!


Have a lovely and healthy day guys ❤

One response to “10 Tools For Making 2014 Great!

  1. Great post and very inspiring! Looking forward to your new website 🙂 Hugs from Sweden!

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